
Covid-19 – Week forty five: beginning 11/01/2021

With lots of plans cancelled last year and not much planned this year, I am determined to have plans to look forward to. But what plans can I make that won’t be cancelled? First, I book my annual leave for the coming year. No holidays booked yet, but the dates are in, and possibility fills the air, with a list of house DIY, hobbies, and UK trips.

My weekly routine keeps me busy, getting me up and going, with early morning jogging, dancing, and yoga to look forward to. My jogging has become something of a fitness focus for me. I might not be ready to run a marathon or indeed a 10k run yet. But in an accumulation event I am certain to improve my overall fitness. With my challenge of 70 miles set for January, accepted and well underway, there is lots to keep me busy and focused on.

Jogging is a welcome distraction, when this week’s advice is to “act like you have the virus”. The advice encourages us all to stay home and not see others unless it is necessary. With case numbers scarily high, along with hospital admissions and deaths, I can understand this new communication. And for me, I can only continue, getting out for daily exercise, limiting shopping to once a week and hope that others do the same. Scared, fearful and apprehensive are just a few of the emotions that drain me when I am out and come into close contact with others.

Yet unlike March’s lockdown, when it was like time was standing still. You could go on your daily exercise without seeing a car on the road or another person. This lockdown is quite different: Mr Frost is here to stay, with shivering winds, dark mornings and evenings, winter is definitely here. Yet, the roads look like everyone has somewhere to go, with the pavements, parks and even the cemetery filled from sun-up to sun-down. I guess there really isn’t anywhere to go, so I get that so many people are out on foot. But why the busy roads? Where are these people going?

But by midweek, I want to be at home wrapped up warm with hot water bottles and warm drinks. It’s that time of year when it’s cold out and I catch a cold. With Covid still a major factor effecting our lives, spreading flu like symptoms, it feels odd to think colds still happen. But as rotten as I feel with my runny nose – at least it’s not Covid.

Yet, as soon as I mention I have cold, people can’t help but ask if I’ve gone for a test. But with Covid cases on the rise I cannot blame people for being worried and more cautious. I am even considering booking a test myself if I get any Covid symptoms. Yet, 48 hours later, after an early night, lemsips, wrapping up warm throughout the day, I am right as reign.

However, I mustn’t be 100% as I forget Friday! How could I forget Friday? Well very easily when everyday feels like the same day. Although I work Monday to Friday, when you’re living and working within the same four walls, sometimes the differences between the days seem so slight – especially when I cram the weekends with house jobs. But this Friday I had arranged a video call with friends. It gave us something to laugh about: when they call, I exclaim – how could I forget Friday?



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