Week seventy eight: beginning 30/08/2021
With our lives returning to ‘normal’ with most restrictions gone, many of our bank holidays no doubt will reflect those of pre-pandemic times. And the upcoming bank holiday weekend has set the tone for this week. I have such a holiday vibe the week through, with time going so fast that it is soon time to enjoy my weekend of adventure.
Saturday we enjoy the sunshine, sitting out at the caravan with both sets of parents, socialising and enjoying the end of the summer with the good weather we have had. Time just passing us all by without a care in the world, nowhere else to be or anything else to do.
Sunday brings drizzly rain, but this doesn’t stop us having a good adventure and giving my visiting partners parents a tour of the local area. We share our pre-covid haunts, along with finding some new. We visit: Tanfield Railway to wave off the train, Penshaw Tea Rooms for a lunch of pie and peas, Washington Old Hall for some history, the Land of Oak and Steel enjoying a walk to Butterfly Bridge.
When Monday arrives, it brings a relaxing end to the bankholiday. As we pack up to go home, I can’t help but feel the weekend has flown over. But one thing is for sure, life feels very social once more.