Covid-19 – Week thirty one: beginning 05/10/2020
Time is passing so fast: it will soon be Halloween and before we know it Christmas. But like the WW1 this isn’t going to be over for Christmas, and I’m not naive enough to even float the idea.
Yet, life is continuing on. My new routines are embedded, and the weeks are just flying over.
If you had asked me 6 months ago, I never would have thought I’d ever be a jogger, with even a short chase of the dog bringing me a stitch. Yet, over time, continuing on from the couch 2 5K, my pace has definitely improved to be able to regularly jog 5k. My breathing has become something I rarely have to think about, my focus being on how my body feels, can I speed up or am I enjoying taking in my surroundings at leisure. However, whichever I choose, my 5k time just keeps improving. I enjoy new routes, not always through the cemetery! So, although I am no longer jogging with my friend, under new guidance, I am still jogging and trying to keep some routine to my week.
Therefore, I welcome our weekly online Scout evenings, bringing some structure to my otherwise blursdays, where work is the only other clear denominator. I cherish the social interactions and tonight the giggling as they completed challenges with scavenged house items: from getting the pasta in the cup, to putting paper on your head and writing your name. Thursday nights are for Scouting fun filled adventures from home. It’s just so refreshing and good to hear and see our young people enjoying themselves, while in Coronalife numbers are still rising making me fear a tighter lockdown are looming.
Yet, people are still going about their lives. And today I get some exciting news from a friend and neighbour that has left a smile on my face. During the current pandemic all we seem to hear is Corona news, so a wedding is a welcomed distraction. In the time of war, especially the wave of WW2 a rushed wedding wasn’t uncommon during all the uncertainty. And in these uncertain times who can blame them. With only 5 weeks until their big day, my friend admitted she had rather a lot to get done. They were off today to give the marriage notice, then arrange the toasting drink and find a dress. And I thought my previous wedding was stressful planning, I had quite a bit more time. Yet, the lower guest numbers, under government guidelines during the pandemic, does give love birds a chance to focus on what’s really important – each other. There will be time to party the night away with everyone in better times.