Covid-19 – Week thirty six: beginning 09/11/2020
Almost a week into lockdown mark two and I’m determined to learn lessons from the first lockdown back in March. Life in the ‘new normal’ has definitely thrown us all into the unknown.
Lesson one, limit Corona news. I have to say on this account I am winning. It was worrying back in March, I felt pinned to the news, grabbing at any updates while my worry levels jumped onboard ‘Corona coaster’. In the ‘new normal’, I check the headlines first thing everyday and join key announcements by the Government. So, while I can’t escape worrying headlines, this week the UK reached 50,000 dead, I can choose where to keep my focus. I’m no pro, at living in the present, but they say practise makes perfect.
Lesson two, leave my four walls. Exercise and dog walking routine in place, I like to think I’ve got this one nailed down. Although, excuses are easy to slip in: dark mornings, evenings, rain, work – you know how it is. When I do lie in, I always feel drowsier. When I don’t exercise, I feel groggy. When I don’t walk the dog, I feel sleepy in the afternoon and Lady goes hyper. So, while the odd day off is not going to kill me, keeping to my exercise routines does help my overall wellbeing.
Lesson three, keep in contact with people, otherwise my poor Steven gets his ear chewed the minute he walks in the door. We are social creatures after all. And with social media offering quality video calls it just comes down to planning in time. Time is running away these days. I miss people but feel I never have time to connect with them. So, my new tactic is to pencil in social time to connect with family and friends. As friends can really put things in perspective, as one commented this week: “I wouldn’t want it be perfect, if it was I wouldn’t have anything to moan about.” How that has made me chuckle this week, so very true.
Lesson four, keep spicing it up. And not just in the kitchen, as my partner loves sneaking in a chilli or two. It’s so easy to get down when plans get changed or cancelled. This week for example should have been my friend’s wedding. However, it was cancelled with the current national lockdown. To say I am gutted for her, wouldn’t touch the surface of what they must be feeling. But, through fakeaways at home and romantic nights in, I like to think they have celebrated what is important.
A wedding is the ceremony, a marriage is a lifelong commitment, a show of love between two people. So, we should all enjoy today and all the days to come celebrating our love. This is what I write joined with a bottle of bubbly and corkscrew, doorstep delivered, on what would have been their wedding day.
Lesson five, keep moving forward, take lesson one to four with a pinch of salt. While it is good to learn from your mistakes, nobody is perfect and if we slip back into old habits – we are only human. On Tuesday, I lie in and don’t get out before work for exercise. Yet it’s only for today. Live in the now and the future, the time we can influence, plan for and look forward to.