Covid-19 – Week forty three: beginning 28/12/2020
This week we wake to frosty winter scenes. Beautiful crystals glisten on the ground bringing hope of snow. While for my Monday morning jog, we avoid the icy scenes, sticking to main roads where the gritter and warmth from town has melted the ice making it safer under foot. I wear sock gloves – a great recommendation of my jogging partner saving my washing machine and hands. We also jog leisurely after our Christmas celebrations of junk food, rich food, treat foods.
However, later as Lady and I walk out as the sun rises, I can’t help but look back at our beautiful paw and footsteps we leave behind. As we continue on our walk I start avoiding the ice and walking on the grass. Lady on the other hand, is feeling more adventurous and is creating scenes from Bambi, until…
We pass a frozen stream and –
Almost, she is lucky and moves in time to avoid a splash! I like to think it was innocent curiosity, but people do say dogs are like toddlers! Or maybe at this time of year they are like naughty elves.
We visit the naughty elves this week at Beamish, who have set up residence in the grounds in a great display of tom foolery. I could have stayed in the forest with the elves all day, the traditional double decker bus is a highlight from the elves’ mischief. But we are soon back to the car to enjoy our turkey sandwiches and sweet treats. Addicted, that is what has happened over Christmas, I have become addicted to chocolate and sweet treats.
New Year’s Eve is here. It feels like Christmas eve was just the other day. How time flies when you’re having fun. But here we are, facing a very different quieter New Year’s Eve. Earlier today the North East, joined 75% of the population now in Tier 4. With new regulations we must stay at home unless we have a reasonable excuse:
- work and volunteering where you cannot work from home
- essential activities to buy food or medicine
- legal obligations
- childcare and education
- Visit people in your support bubble
- Exercise with our household, support bubble, or with one other person social distancing
- Medical reasons
- Communal worship and work events
No nonessential travel or leaving tier 4 areas. Shielding is back for the medically vulnerable, nonessential retail and indoor gyms to close.
However, back in the safety of our homes New year celebrations are starting. Kick started by a 4pm family group call with our Australia relations to wish them into the new year. Then it’s time for tea and its duck failure. Our Christmas eve bargain we ‘defrosted’ in the fridge is still frozen! So we rush out and get bits for a more traditional buffet style new year’s eve tea – just minus the family.
With a food disaster narrowly avoided, we sit down to tv streaming, drinks, nibbles and begin our puzzle with 6 hours to go plenty of time… 3,2,1. And here we are in 2021.
As I wake later in 2021, I think back over the lovely Christmas we have had, along with a busy year during Covid of: house DIY, exercise, and well a new lifestyle. One thing is for sure it has been a busy year. And with that my new year’s resolution is set – think less, relax more.