
Covid-19 – Week forty seven: beginning 25/01/2021

Monday arrives and with it I have a stonking headache, I really could just stay in bed. Thank goodness for paracetamol, quiet, natural light, and fresh air walks to get me through the day. Soon it’s evening and time to roll back into bed to binge watch Marvel. We have started watching them in chronological order, rather than release date, so far so good.

The rest of the week I am glad to report is headache free. Yet, as the news reports over 100,000 dead from Covid-19 in the UK my head is spinning in other ways with conflicting emotions: fear, loss, hope.

Covid has affected so much in our lives, and yet, time really is just passing us by. With the same daily routine and few outings repeated for exercise and food shopping week on week.

It really has made me look forward to the small things in life. So, this week when planning starts for Camp @ Home 4 The Unhatched egg, I could do backflips with excitement. Here we go again, another fun filled weekend of virtual Scouting. It really is an opportunity to let my creative imagination go wild to help create Durham Scouts fourth virtual Scout camp.

The weekend is here before I know it, and with it an hour bird watching for the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch. An opportunity to pause, enjoy nature and support the RSPB to get a picture of how garden birds are faring.  Feeling prepared, following this week’s Scouts meeting where we made homemade birdfeeders and a range of carefully selected foods, I head out to the local park. With no garden of my own, a designated feeding spot in the park seems like a great place to enjoy taking part in the birdwatch. I am not disappointed, minutes after I put the seed down and the birds arrive: a Robin, a few Blue Tits and then a – a rat, ran across the table in broad day light – ewww.


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