
Covid-19 – Week eight: beginning 27/04/2020

This week I am returning to work, routine, and reality. After a week off I’m not surprised that I had a restless night’s sleep. As I stroll into the sitting room I can’t help but turn on the TV and there it is: Corona is on the news, the adverts and normal broadcasting is being interrupted for the daily update, with some programmes changed, delayed or unable to run to schedule due to safety restrictions. Even channel 4 has taken to presenting the government’s Covid-19 message: Stay at home. I know I am, hence reading this message while I am trying to relax at home – thanks channel 4 you’re not helping me. This bombardment by the media doesn’t make me angry. I just feel disappointed that not only are we trapped indoors by the virus, but we have become hounded all day by updates. My main frustration is at feeling limited, restrained and that every part of my daily life has been altered. But anyway, back to the news where discussions are still ongoing about one of many stories I missed on my staycation. One of many outrageous outbursts from President Trump in which he suggested that as disinfectant is effective on surfaces, it would be interesting to see if it could have similar effects if injected inside the body. I have one week off and the world appears to have gone mad. I really hope the American public, who saw this as a try at home suggestion, make a full recovery.

After that terrible news, I decide to try the radio, but it is worse, there is no break, all the commentary can talk about is Coronavirus. But turning either off does not give me any escape. I’m worried for me and the people I know and love who might get ill. However, I’m not going to let myself stay worried. I have decided to make a stand and record positives only this week.

So on the positive, my morning is productive in mind, body and soul. I complete the first jog on week 6 of the couch to 5k, a wash is complete and outside drying on the line, while I am sitting down to a glass of milk and fruit at my desk. However, this is the moment things have gone downhill – rather quickly. There is but one saying that comes to mind, ‘don’t cry over spilt milk’. However, when that milk is all over your keyboard, mouse, phone, notepad, notes, tablecloth and just about everywhere else, including Lady who has come to see what is going on, what else can you do? So, I am currently drying everything outside and drinking a new glass of milk away from my desk.

Attempt two at work is more successful, although faced with almost 200 emails to sift through I think maybe this is more appropriate to cry about. Luckily, lunch time arrives. I am outside, away from my desk and further possible accidents and the sun is shining. After food I check in on the damages. The milk has drained out of my wireless keyboard, here goes nothing, I’ve plugged it in -please work. Well it types, just not in English, or any language I know of. I am gutted that my clumsiness has lost me the ability to a comfortable working environment. In hindsight, it is only a few days until I’ll have another one, the delights of home next day delivery, although a bit delayed during current circumstances. It is only my bank balance that will feel it, but it is not like I am splurging on anything else right now. Now the milk mess is all gone, it is rather funny that I shared my breakfast by bathing my workstation, dog, and personal equipment in milk.

Tuesday leads to more calamities; this time technology is at fault. The internet has been dropping out all morning and now it’s the time of an important video meeting – Yep you guessed it my internet drops out. But I am not going to be beaten, mobile hot spotting has me back online within a few minutes. However, technology is the last of my worries, I just can’t seem to get warm. I am not ‘add another layer cold’, that time past a few hours ago. I am shivering, sitting at my desk with the heating on max, hot beverage in hand, three layers and a blanket on, trying to function at work.

How can I not be warning up? The video meeting finally ends, and I go to investigate. As I approach the boiler, everything looks – oh! I see now what the issue is. We never turned the heating back on after decorating, it is still on hot water only. Let’s just say, my anxiety and stress levels would make an interesting mountainous graph today. Luckily, I’m in decent this afternoon, in the warmth and facing less pressure from technology.

The working week has finally ended, and things are looking good. Firstly, I finished week 6 of the Couch to 5k and with it I have managed to run for 25 minutes. Secondly, I have lost 1.5lbs this week, which I am sure would have been more had I weighed myself later. As what I am about to tell you is gross, so if you are squeamish look away now. I mean I should be delighted with myself, really proud and – and nothing. I am so embarrassed that I don’t think the red flush of my cheeks will ever go away. At the age of 28 this is not cool, but I should have seen it coming, I have after all been trying to go for days with little success.

If you haven’t guessed yet I am as the saying goes ‘touching cloth’, waddling home in some bad western impression, hoping my bottom won’t fail me. The pain and noises from holding in the inevitable are out of this world. But finally, I reach our front door and to a toilet. However, as I flush the toilet is filling up and up, oh no I couldn’t have? Oh dear. Oh yes. Luckily, the water stops just at the rim and now just the messy task of unblocking the toilet awaits me. In conclusion, jogging is good for digestion, but for my inner workings I should probably stay closer to a toilet when I haven’t been in a while. Maybe I should embrace exercising in the home when I am constipated. There are after all so many apps, online virtual sessions, the options are endless.

This week has been a tiring one, packed to the brim with technology miss haps. Therefore, I think a break from technology is well deserved this weekend. My brain feels fried by all the concentration needed to read facial cues, and that is hoping that video or the internet is working. No, this weekend I’ll have off. I’ll read a book, walk in nature, play games with the dog, maybe even play a board game two.

It’s Saturday and okay so maybe it is nearly impossible to live life without some technology. But I picked more historic developments like the good old telephone to call a friend. We sit for over an hour in each other’s company, talking and getting on with writing, me editing this blog in the background, as my friend similarly gets on with teachers English marking and preparations. We both agree that technology has been tiring this week and wish things could return to the simplicity of the telephone or pen and paper. And on that note, next week I might even write her a letter.


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