Covid-19 – Week eighteen: beginning 06/07/2020
Monday morning dawns and I start the normal routine, waking up with the radio, going for a jog, shower, tidy and then –
Then nothing. This week off means I don’t need to have a plan, don’t need to rush or fit anything in particular into the day. This week, my fiancé and I plan to celebrate his birthday by chillaxing.
With flights restarting and easing of quarantine measures and this week off we are safe at home. I don’t intend to go further afield for a while yet. It’s not out of fear bur rather out of logic. It’s non-essential travel and we are not out of the woods yet. So I would prefer to spend the week relaxing.
Okay even in principle this was never going to work! We still need to do the shopping, washing, tidying, but I guess we can do these tasks at ease. The jobs will still be there tomorrow after all, there always seems to be more jobs to do in any house.
With time on my side, my morning’s jog finally saw me achieve the 5K goal. It is the best feeling to have finally made the distance the challenge prescribed. Having started jogging this morning feeling lethargic, I didn’t know if I’d make half an hour never mind 5k. But I keep singing along to my exercise tunes, enjoying nature while thinking I can go a bit faster and for a bit longer. So with a ten minute extension to my jog, a hint of motivational talk along with a dash of live and audio entertainment I feel like I have started my holiday a winner.
Monday morning continued with more wins. With the washing complete and outside, we walk the dog to the post office to send a parcel for my beautiful niece and nephew and popped to the shops for a few items we couldn’t get at the weekend. A garden centre for seeds for Mam, some plants and then onto another shop to hunt out a specific washing soap that’s been hiding. Just one rule no rushing.
We’re out over lunch time and luckily Costco is still doing take out, so we don’t starve and even better I am able to have a slimming world free food lunch. A jacket potato and beans later and we can continue onto a few more shops to finish the list. Before we know it, Monday is coming to a close with a movie.
Then the birthday arrives, it is much less a story of lockdown woes and very much a day of indulgence. We wake and snooze until 8:00am, then birthday cards and presents descend. There is a gift for every year of his life – only joking, but it is close. Then a fruity breakfast with yogurt, a dog walk and computer games. Time is just passing us by without a care in the world.
Okay maybe a few, for one, the weather. We made it home and within a few moments I am outside throwing pegs left right and centre. A rain shower has arrived. So after narrowly escaping a drenching we sit back down to our leisurely game.
With the birthday celebrations comes cake, a lot of cake and delicious BBQ food. It is a day of true indulgence and I’d like to say moderation – I am trying at least. I put my proven methods to the test. I start my plate with salad of all kinds: rice salad, pasta salad, potatoes salad, a yummy mixed salad. Then I add a small portion of each meat: sausage, peppered pork steak, rump steak kebab, Chinese chicken kebab and vegetable kebab. A few hours rest and dessert is on the cards. Delicious cakes like you’ve never seen fairy cakes, maid of honour cupcakes, chocolate cupcakes, corn flakes flan, jam tart, apple tart, scones and the centre piece a yummy Caterpillar cake. I am salivating just thinking about it. So I had the lot! no not really that would be madness. Instead I had a slim slither of the selection and have planned out the next few days.
Luckily, it’s mid-afternoon and so only a snack will be needed for supper. So all in all I can balance my week out – I hope! Weigh in day on the scales will tell.
Today we’ve arranged to meet my parents for the day at Druridge Bay County park. The weather is looking good and as it is mid-week we shouldn’t be struggling for space. We pack a lovely picnic, chairs, towels for lady and drinks galore. It doesn’t sound much. So why is it no matter how big the car is, you can always fill the boot?
A short car ride later and we arrive and pull up at the lake. It is glorious, well still trouser weather, but you can take your jacket off at parts – welcome to the British summer weather. Lady is free to walk ahead and is wagging her tail. Dad is comfy on his camp chair by the lake, the walk is a bit far for him. Lady lies close to him and only arrives by our side on the third whistle.
Then its picnic time with breads, meats, pork pies, sausage rolls and for me pasta, tuna, low fat cheese and fruit. Okay so I sneak one snack size pork pie on my plate, but who can blame me they are delicious.
Then we lounge and lounge some more enjoying the view of the lake. For once in a long time we do talk but we don’t feel rushed or that we need to fit anything into the conversation. Today is a day of pure relaxation.
“Down Lady.”
Cries, licks and more jumping. We pack up and head to the beach. It’s a lot cooler here with a breeze that has Mam and Dad cuddled up perched on a rock. Oh how I wish to cuddle them both in my arms. Hopefully not too long now.
In the meantime, Lady is in her element running through the waves like a toddler splashing everywhere. I throw her ball into the waves and she crashes back in seconds. Again and again she retrieves the ball, placing it further and further into the sea for me to pick up and throw. If I didn’t know better I would say Lady was goading me further into the sea to play too. So we both end up a little damp.
But as we join Mam and Dad I realise Lady has transformed into a sandy golden retriever. Lady is currently laid down rolling herself and the ball around the beach, sand flying everywhere. I just don’t know where to look. Luckily on our route back to the car there is a footpath leading off into an enclosed grassy area. So ball time continues and our damp black Labrador retriever is slowly transforming back.
We are soon back in the car and on our way home. I am exhausted and so is Lady. It isn’t long before Lady and I are nodding off. Then before I know it we are home. As I walk into the house, I pass a mirror and see my face. Heatstroke, sunburn, call it what you will I am red faced and shattered. We lie on the bed for just a second –
Luckily, the phone rings and wakes us up ready for an online Scout meeting. We decide on cake for tea – why not we’re on holiday and need some sugars to wake us up.
Another day dawns and it’s time for another jog. I may have slept in and there may even be drizzly rain, but nothing can stop me jogging 5K. The time and weather don’t stop me achieving my goal, but they do make me brisk walk it home to get the washing in off the line and distributed around the house. I feel so good knowing I can jog the 5K, the end of my jog feels like the finish line and I have finally made it. I weigh in today and even with my staycation treats I have lost 0.5lb, just showing that moderation is the key to a healthy weight and balanced diet. It’s a great end to the staycation week of walks, games, tidying, housework and Scouting.
But we still have the weekend and with Saturday prep begins for Camp @ Home 2 Jamboree. There is lots of hype among Scouting young people all over Durham and us leaders too as plans are coming together. Under new regulations, we have clearance to meet with a few other leaders outdoors to film some content in advance. It’s a great few hour spent enjoying the great outdoors while singing along to campfire songs. All evening I can still hear the joyous tunes as a welcomed ear worm.
Before we know it, Sunday is here, and the staycation is over. Back to work tomorrow. Yet I can say without a doubt we have had a break; I have enjoyed this week off and we have filled it with lots of fun filled adventures.