
Covid-19 – Week twenty seven: beginning 07/09/20

Six months on from the initial lockdown I’d like to say I have adjusted to the ‘new’ normal. However, things seem as strange as ever, with changing regulations and ‘blursday’ everyday, the end or return to normality seems out of sight.

My working week went as normal: busy. Lots to fill the 9 till 5, leaving me, as always these days, unsure of the date. When Friday arrives, I feel surprised relief at the weekends arrival. Time is just slipping away so fast that coronavirus seems part of everyday life.

‘Coronalife’, a term trending on social media and one I think summarises aptly how everyday life has been changed by the current pandemic. When planning any outing outside of the home, or indeed any visitors calling at the home, life as we knew it has changed. I used to think as a dog owner, why do I have poo bags in every bag, pocket, entrance and even in the car? These days my stores of poo bags are accompanied by hand sanitizer and face masks. Before I leave the house or even answer the door I’m checking for these new essentials, as matter of routine more than worry (felt by many on the outbreak back at easter time).

And after all it’s these new essentials, face coverings and hand sanitizer, along with social distancing that have enabled much of society to open back up and the economy to get a necessary boost. From mid-July the pause button finally switched back to play, with non-essential shops opening up including hair and beauty salons, support and community groups. While I wasn’t and am still not keen to return to my normal routine, the easing of lockdown saw my own calendar rejuvenated with possible outings and socially distanced meet ups. In particular, we have enjoyed being in the outdoors travelling to Beamish, National Trust grounds and local walks, trying to stay out in the open as much as possible while making the most of our free time, while we still can.

However, recently as ‘Corona news’ reports cases are drastically increasing, bringing an about turn for the whole country. Although there have already been a few local lockdowns, we have been fortunate not to live in an affected area. But with the return of young people to school and many other elements of society opened back up, it was only a matter of time before numbers started to worryingly rise and more measures required.

This week saw a new law the “rule of six” in force from Monday to simplify restrictions. From Monday people by law can’t meet in groups of over six, enforceable by dispersing and fines. Not that this will bring change to my current routine. But, if you lived your life by the rules, which are vague to say the least, you could be putting yourself more at risk. This new measure suggests you can meet up with up to 5 others from outside of your household, they could all be from different households, as long as your number is no greater than six.

 However, I am still pleased it’s not a mass lockdown, we can go out when we like and we can still see each other, so life is pretty ‘normal’. I mean Lady won’t even notice the difference. They do say it’s a dog’s life and well Lady seems contented with the company and our adventures into the great outdoors. However, with numbers on the rise further measures must be on the cards.

Yet, as I enjoy the warm windy weather of Sunday at a local country park, I can’t help but people watch the gatherings of families, friends and dog walkers. I had thought the government’s advice to not see this as a ‘party weekend’ were amusing, however if these daytime gatherings are anything to go by, delaying the law will inevitably lead to increased numbers following this weekend. So Lady and I re-route to avoid the crowds and enjoy the fresh air.


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