Covid-19 – Week twenty six: beginning 01/09/20
Welcome to September. Well I never thought I would be saying that while still working from home! A new way of working and I guess living has come into place over the last 6 months. But some things never change…
Back to work is a baptism of fire, after the bank holiday felt like a week off. The morning smacks me in the face, when the alarm sounds, I press snooze – and again and again, until finally I drag myself out of bed to face the day. Luckily, my working day has flown over with plenty to keep me busy. I keep roughly to my start and finish time, allowing me an evening to enjoy what’s important in life –
there’s so much I could write, so much I cherish about my life. When I finish work, Lady our beautiful Labrador retriever comes to greet me, I enjoy fussing her with affection, before watching her waggy tail on our evening stroll. My partner and I chit-chat and banter as we make tea and settle down for the night. Then there’s my lovely family that telephone, video call and message throughout the week. So, as I scroll through social media, my family and friends’ happy faces look back at me, filling me with a sense of joy, although we are miles apart, we can share our lives.
This working week is different – I have company. Working from home has its perks when my partner is off to keep me company. On my trips to the kitchen for a drink, I bob by the living room, or front room to check in on how holidaying from home is going. It’s refreshing to have someone to be conversational with during the daytime, that by clocking off the transition feels easier. Unlike my partners normal entrance and my word vomit, held in during the day, we seem more organized and the evenings feel longer. We enjoy frequent evening strolls walking the dog, earlier dinners and I feel more relaxed. Yet before we know it, it’s the weekend and time for a new challenge.
Almost two months ago I reached my target weight and ever since baggy clothes have become the norm. Not that noticeable, just losing my bottom half from time to time and sagging on the top half. It’s time to get back some curves and support, so this week we are taking on the challenge of shopping. In theory, all very normal, very simple and totally doable. But without changing rooms or fitting advice I’m not sure where to begin finding my size.
Therefore, challenge one is from the comfort of our home, work out my sizes. For clothing this is quite simple, with clear guides of where to measure, so we have my clothes size in no time. But my bra size is another matter.
Recommendation one, wear your newest bra. Erm, they are all a bit big right now and not very new, we’ve been in lockdown for almost half a year, only a few months after I started my weight loss journey. So, wearing my least baggy, very loose fitted bra we move onto recommendation two: the difference between your band size and cup size. We have some success, and with a few possible sizes we head to the shops.
It may have taken all weekend and trips back and forth each day to the shops, but we did it. The credit card is looking interesting and each trip felt like we were couriers. It truly is a transformation in which on my final visit back to the shops I feel like Cinderella at the ball, dressed in my modern-day frock of fitted jeans, bra and t-shirt.
To say my partner has the patient of a saint would be an understatement. The weekend has been stolen by clothes shopping. Not many guys idea of fun. Therefore, to celebrate our shopping success we treat ourselves to a carry out. We embrace technology trying a new ordering app. Our order received and a time for delivery confirmed, the app moves through preparation, out for delivery, while we enjoy the start of a movie. Our delivery time passes, we’re hungry. A phone call later, we are reassured it is on it’s way. More time passes – I’m getting hangry. A call back is met with confusion, a talk with the manager and it’s clear our food was missed. Eventually, our ordering disaster arrives, the wait was worth it, it’s delicious.