Covid-19 – Week forty nine: beginning 08/02/2021
“Hey look, it’s been snowing!”
I roll over, unsure of the day never mind the weather.
“You’re going to enjoy jogging today in the snow.”
Snow! I am up, gazing out through the curtain into the snow-covered street.
My jogging partner texts to recommend plastic sandwich bags on my feet and a warmer jacket. With all my snow excitement, this reminder was appreciated. Advice put into action, I head out in the snow, all wrapped up, pace a little slower than normal but feeling snug as a bug. We re- route for the bad weather, but still manage a route of 4 miles and are soon back on home turf, finishing off with snow angels. I think we are all big kids at heart.
Midweek arrives and it looks like the winter wonderland is here to stay. I enjoy resting my eyes away from the screen and out the window at hail, sleet and snow. While on my walks, I cannot get enough of the crunching sound under foot.
It would appear I am not the only one goofing off in the snow and letting my inner child out. As I walk through the park on my pre-work walk there are families out sledging, with dads leading by example. While at work, colleagues share photos of fun with their children and household. Likewise, the news and social media is full of people out sledging, snowman building and enjoying the snow. I guess the snow brings out our inner child.
The news covers stories like the blowtorch method used to defrost the Eiffel Tower, as traditional salt used to melt ice is too corrosive for the metal. And a news clip has me in fits of giggles, a filter used on a video feed goes wrong, as a witness tries to give evidence while unable to remove his feline filter from the screen: “Excuse me judge I am not a cat!” And for once, in what seems like a long time, the news puts a smile on my face and a chuckle in my belly.
It’s soon Friday and the start of my annual leave, giving me a long weekend of chilling. So, after I catch up on a few jobs in the house, weekly shopping and Scouting, I head out to enjoy the snow some more and partake in some sledging. Dashing through the snow, on a children’s red plastic sledge, down the bank I go, Lady chasing me all the way. Who says we are ever too old for fun?