Covid-19 – Week fifty two: beginning 01/03/2021
It’s Monday morning and I feel less likely to hide under the duvets as the morning birds sing sweetly – spring has finally arrived. At the weekend, after a very enjoyable red faced, perspiring sunny walk carrying my winter coat, I finally got out my lightweight jackets to enjoy the spring sun.
As I set out on my Monday morning jog, I can’t help but feel my spirits lift as the sun is always starting to appear making my surroundings lighter and more welcoming. Hannah and I seek out a new route – no longer needing to worry about lamppost lit paths. We find a lovely footpath through an open piece of land, with grass, streams and quaint bridges. Our pace is faster, more focused and ‘spring-ed’ along by the change of weather.
However, this is the UK and we really all should make the most of the good weather, because it rarely stays. Rain, overcast, cold enough to see my breath and some sleety snow flurries mid-week and then here we are Saturday morning in the sunshine. It does have me questioning if spring has arrived just yet? Yet, I do feel a spring in my step and enjoy a few more adventures on foot.
On our walks, Lady and I venture out to find new routes of our own. We chase the sun – walking to Mowbray park by accident and discovering a gothic door in the embankment. Our adventures don’t end there as Lady finds some French fries placed on the path, inviting her for an extra breakfast treat as I am distracted by the sun shimmering off my surroundings. It is funny watching a dog, their behaviour suggests they know they are being naughty. I see the incident with the French fries in slow motion – Lady spots food, sniffs, looks left to right and back to me, then gobbles one before I shout – LADY! And she stops head down and looking remorseful. Total Fur-baby moment, I’m always giving her human characteristics.
Maybe there is a naughty elf for spring as well as for Christmas! That could explain the snow.