Covid-19 – Week sixty two: beginning 10/05/2021
It’s nice to know your missed, even in the virtual world. After what I knew would be a busy first day back, I faced dreaded Monday morning, I was taken aback by a colleague’s comment:
“We missed your farewell GIFs last week.”
I felt super valued by my team. And also reaffirmed that a positive comment can be infectious.
Following my colleague’s kind words I haven’t thought twice about starting and ending my workday with a virtual greeting GIF to my team. However, encouraged by the effect a positive GIF has on my colleagues I have actively sought out more opportunities to greet people in the ‘real’ world. A smile while on a walk, a good morning while passing someone, and actively booking in for walks with friends.
The above all sound very doable small steps to spreading positivity. However, with the British Summer time weather we are currently experiencing this is far from uneventful. The torrential, run and duck for cover rain is back this week, starting with thunder and lightning on Monday. Even Lady wasn’t willing to go out in the weather, choosing to hide under the dining room table, huddled into a corner. Yet, with our weather I am not the only one willing to go out come rain or shine, and we find plenty of opportunities with breaks in the cloud. And so my week ends with smiles, greetings and well wishes. Who will you make smile today?