Covid-19 – Week sixty three: beginning 17/05/2021
This week marks a step closer to society getting back to normal. From Monday we have been able to meet indoors and hug!
While I am not advocating going up to strangers in the street for an embrace or visiting everyone in your family and friends for a long awaited in person catch up. As a hugger, I am looking forward to visiting my folks and embracing them on departure. But for my friend’s 30th birthday this week, just sitting in her company on Friday will be enough.
Friday is here, and with my negative lateral flow home test, I am giddy with excitement. Bar a Christmas stand in the park to exchange gifts, my friends and I haven’t met in person in over a year now. And while our 30th plans seem limited to three friends, takeout, chill and chat. Friday night is one of the best nights out or in, depending what way you see it, I’ve had in ages.
And while I am not thankful for the pandemic, I am thankful for the light it has shone on the value of the small things in life like friends, family and hugs of course.