Covid-19 – Week seventy one: beginning 12/07/2021
This week has been a week of wins. With the temperature in the late 20s the summer is definitely here. At Scouts this week we ran a games night. Youth led, we asked our members to choose their favourite virtual games and even challenged them to take the lead on a few. It was a great evening, well attended we ran over to ensure that we played the games suggested, while not rushing those who stepped up to lead the games. I am really proud of how well my Scouts have adapted, developed and grown in maturity and skills for life. It has been a challenging time for everyone, but it has also given us all opportunities to grow.
I reached 10k this week on my jog. It came as a surprise when my jogging partner pointed out we only needed to go a little further to reach this new milestone. I still look back on 18 months ago when I first started the couch to 5k and I wondered then would I be able to keep it up. Mind over matter. I clearly just needed a new goal, a new focus and most importantly time to develop and build up to it slowly. What is next? Slowly increasing the pace while enjoying my jogs as exercise and accepting some days I will be faster than others, more awake and energetic. And most importantly with a friend to jog with and share the experience with, no long-term goal is too big.
Yet, while I may be having an exceptional week other people are not. Destructive floods from excessive rain have swept parts of Europe. 100s are missing or dead, with homes and livelihoods lost in a wave of stormy weather. In seems shocking that some of world’s wealthiest, technologically advanced countries with flood defences could be damaged so badly by the weather. Is climate change a factor in fuelling the disaster and are we set to see more?