
Covid-19 – Week fifty seven: beginning 05/04/2021

Bank holiday Monday arrives with frozen windscreens, frosty scenes, and freezing fingers – even with gloves. But determined not to let Easter chocolate treats add inches to my waistline, I am up and out for my jog. However, joined by my jogging partner, I look forward to my jogs for social contact to chat mindlessly about surroundings, everything, or nothing at all. Likewise, I embrace my dog walks to clear my head, and today to make sure the dog doesn’t put weight on either – as she enjoyed turkey dinner yesterday too.

Turkey is definitely on the cards for a few days to come. And yet, even though Christmas feels like just yesterday, I don’t feel bored by the prospect of turkey related meals. But then I live with a great cook and so we enjoy the turkey in a variety of dishes. So, I ask you, what is your favourite turkey leftover meal?

And the food isn’t all that has me feeling a little bit like Christmas this week. With light snow flurries, hail stone and then glorious sunshine, the weather is certainly confusing the seasons. Entertaining as it is observing from the indoors, Lady and I brave the outdoors for our walks, attempting to catch a break in the clouds. But with hot chocolate with all the trimmings (marshmallows, squirty cream and sprinkles) for when we arrive back in from our outings, a little cold doesn’t hurt us.

The weekend brings more hail, snow flurries and glorious sunshine for good measure. The good weather stays long enough for one of my first washes to dry on the line. I also enjoy a garden meet up with a friend, although blankets are a must. The meet up brings a feeling of normality to life, and as we catch up it feels like no time has passed since we exchanged gifts in the park at Christmas. And yet we both openly acknowledge that life will never be the same again. And not in a depressing, dystopian society sort of way, but rather that we will not take things for granted!


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